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  • Writer's picturececill5

Bouquet Toss Remix

For the bride who rolls her eyes at tradition, why not try put a twist one of the most traditional parts of the wedding reception... the bouquet toss. You don't have to stand in the middle of the floor and simply toss flowers to a group of excited single ladies. With some of these creative ideas, you can inject some personality into your toss.

Why not switch it up a little, by tossing the bouquet to the single men in the room. The reaction will be priceless and your guests can buckle over with laughter watching grown men compete for a bouquet of beautiful flowers.

Give a money prize for a perfect catch. What better incentive than cold hard cash to entice those embarrassed or cynical singles out onto the floor. Money money money!

Change it up all together. Replace the bouquet toss with a dance competition. Have your deejay play some great single girl music and let the women compete for those flowers.

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